Happy December y'all! There is one more month left of 2014. I am hanging on by a thread with my diet. I'm back on today and my goal is to be perfect at least Monday through Friday since I have no excuses. I feel puffy and fat and I'm not happy about it. I honestly cannot wait for the holidays and football season to be over because I'm ready to turn this diet around. I'm just trying to stay in the same clothes y'all. I know it's a struggle for everyone this time of year but my will power is busted and if it wasn't for the fact that I still exercise pretty much every day, I think it would be much worse.

Like I said, exercise is the only thing I'm doing right this holiday season. I've been training for the half marathon again that's in March and I've been attending classes and doing the elliptical at the gym. Between the running on Friday and the Body Attack class I took yesterday which included a lot of jumping around, I've had some soreness in the chest area. I apologize if that's too much information but I'll just come out right now and admit I have breasts and what's worse...sometimes I talk about them. It's ok guys and gals. They are there and today they hurt a bit. I have a couple sports bras that I thought were OK but honestly, I feel like I could do better. I am especially feeling the pain because it's the holiday season so I'm a bit heftier than usual. I have read some articles but if anyone out there has some suggestions on a comfortable, supportive sports bra, I'm all ears.

Since I'm being honest about my lack of discipline in the food department, I wanted to share a couple pictures from Thanksgiving in which I stuffed my face relentlessly. I always make the deviled eggs so I was proud of those. It was a full house...full of people and dogs and a good time was had by all.
Almost just as important as family time at Thanksgiving, I wanted to express my total jubilation at the fact that Alabama beat Auburn in the Iron Bowl this year and I got to witness it in person. We play Missouri in the SEC Championship game on Saturday. We SHOULD win it but you can never be too safe.
Roll Tide, y'all!
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