Monday, April 21, 2014

In the best way...

So, here’s the deal.  I skipped the post last week because hectic doesn’t begin to describe the way things are going lately.  It’s the end of the school year, I’m traveling all the time it seems and I completely demolished the underside of my car last week because I’m so distracted.  Needless to say, April has been a pretty cruel month.  Having said that, it’s also been awesome in many ways.  I’m going to try and cram in a summary here and make some promises that I hope aren’t empty.  I really plan on getting back into the swing of making recipes and decent posts in the coming weeks as school comes to a close and things slow down just a bit. 

Over the past few weeks I have been doing a new finagled plan that I came up that up until the last few days of a fat-filled Easter week (which made me backtrack a few pounds) was working splendidly.  I lost around 6 pounds in a few weeks so I think I’m going to continue to do it.  It’s very simple.  It forces me to limit myself in carbs, proteins and dairy but I am also allowed to indulge just a bit each week so I’m not completely deprived.  It really works but last Tuesday I ran over a curb and got a flat tire.  This is not unusual for me.  I have done it many times but this time I hit it very hard and the curb had a sewage drain underneath so it did extensive damage.  I am so fortunate to have friends and family to help me around and financially but this mistake has caused me stress and will cost me a lot of money.  It also made it so I had limited food options.  I didn’t grocery shop and walked to the nearest food place and two times that was Chinese food last week.  I also had Mexican food twice.  Then, of course, Easter was yesterday.  So, I’m trying to forget about last week and get back on the wagon again today because what I was doing was really working.

In addition to trying to eat a little better, I’ve also been taking a pill that my general physician prescribed.  I’m generally opposed to pills when it comes to dieting but decided to try it.  It was originally a pill for migraines but many patients found it curbed their appetites so I’ve been taking it.  I think it does work decently because I have been noticing that I’ve been getting fuller faster and trying to save half my food, especially on the weekends, and eating it later rather than all at once.  He gave me that and a Vitamin D supplement which I was apparently really low on.  I’m not sure if that will help or not.  I also have been doing these 30 day exercise challenges to try and get in better shape.  I’m doing 4 of them.  One for the arms, thighs, abs and a squat challenge.  Those are all going well but I came to the realization that I will have to keep up the work after the 30 days are over.  Essentially, I’m working my butt off.  As always, my constant struggle is food but even that is getting a little better.

Since I posted last  time, I went to Atlanta with my Dad, brother and his girlfriend.  We had a great time even though the Heat lost!  Jordan and I saw the Lion King in Atlanta which was amazing.  I went to the A-Day game with Ian and his mom which was a lot of fun.  Cassandra and Ian joined me and my family for Easter dinner and there were all kinds of things in between.  I stay busy and honestly, when I went to bed last night, it felt more like I was collapsing into it than anything but I don’t think I would make any changes.  Obviously, if I could, I’d go back and un-hit that giant curb but I just mean I value the people and activities in my life so much that I think it’s worth it to be this tired.  I don’t have QUITE as much going on this weekend so the reprieve will be nice because it picks right back up the next weekend.  I will post again next week…hopefully with more than just a summary but I won’t make any promises just yet.

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Bye!

“Here we go
Going in alone
Into the dark and wonderful unknown
Let us go
Let us go

In the best way
You’ll be the death of me…” Wonderful Unknown-Ingrid Michaelson 


  1. I'm glad to hear your new plan is working! (You should name it..."The Heather" or "The Heather Plan"...or something way better than either of those two suggestions.)

  2. It'll be perfect for someone that needs to incorporate Grey Goose.


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