Monday, May 28, 2012
Happy Memorial Day!
Hello everyone and Happy Memorial Day! I hope you've had a great weekend. I will keep it brief today since I hope most of you are enjoying your long weekend. I definitely wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to the men and women past, present and future who have dedicated their lives to protecting ours. Thank you so much and I pray for your safety and peace of mind. You are truly heroes!
I did want to share a quick recipe for this week. This is a slimmed down version of a BLT. The recipe called for turkey bacon but I used Oscar Meyer's pre-cooked bacon that you just pop in the microwave. They are small slices of bacon and only cost you 70 calories for 3 pieces. Also, I don't like cold, uncooked red tomatoes on my sandwiches or salads. If I make a BLT, I like a green tomato that has been cooked or fried. This isn't the season for green tomatoes so I got a small vine tomato and sliced it thin and sauted it in a pan for a few minutes with salt and pepper before putting it on my sandwich. This, for me, is a perfect substitute for the real thing. Sure, mayo and lots of cheese and a fried green tomato would be better tasting but we all know where that leads us.
This is my last week of "No-Weigh-May." I will hop on the scale again this weekend to see where I'm at. I'm hoping I am not too many pounds over my lowest weight. I wasn't perfect this weekend but I have been way worse. I just sort of spent the weekend craftily finding loopholes for the rules I set up myself. We will see. I will let you know how much work needs to be done to get the rest of birthday month weight off. I have been exercising like crazy as usual and I even mowed my parents lawn on Saturday because they are on vacation and I thought it would be a great workout (which was awful and I will never do it again). So, I am on track and will be for the next couple of weeks. I am going to Colorado on Father's Day weekend for work and I know my eating schedule will be off then so I'm going to try and keep it pretty strict until then.
I will stop rambling now.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Talk to you next week!
Be safe & have fun. Bye!
"If you're reading this
My Mommas sittin there
Looks like I only got a one way ticket over here
Sure wish I
Could give you one more kiss
And war was just a game we played when we were kids
I'm laying down my gun
I'm hanging up boots
I'm up here with God and we're both watching over you
So lay me down
In that open field out on the edge of town
And know my soul
Is where my momma always prayed
That it would go
And if you're reading this
I'm already home
If you're reading this
Half way around the would
I won't be there
To see the birth of our little girl
I hope she looks like you
I hope she fight like me
Stand up for the innocent and weak
I'm laying down my gun
I'm hanging up boots
Tell dad I don't regret that I followed in his shoes
So lay me down
In that open field out on the edge of town
And know my soul
Is where my momma always prayed that it would go
And if you're reading this
I'm already home
If you're reading this
There's going to come a day
When you'll move on
And find some one else
And that's ok
Just remember this
I'm in a better place
Where soldiers live in peace
And angels sing amazing grace
So lay me down
In that open field out on the edge of town
And know my soul
Is where my Momma always prayed that it would go
And if you're reading this..." If You're Reading This-Tim McGraw
Monday, May 21, 2012
Onion Breath
Well, here we are again.
It’s another manic Monday. As you
may remember, it’s “No Weigh May,” so I haven’t stepped on a scale since
April. Right now I’m still in recovery
mode from my birthday and I already feel like I’m making progress. I don’t feel so swollen. I’m certainly a little less frumpy than I was
last week. Hopefully by the time I weigh
in the first few days of June, I won’t have much more making up to do.
I had a bit of oral surgery last week. I had some tissue removed and frankly, I’m not recovering as nicely as I would like. Anyway, I’ve eaten even more soup than usual which I didn’t think was a possibility but evidently it is. Because I eat soup out so much, I don’t usually eat it that much at home but since I’m drinking my food more than chewing it these days, I thought I’d give it a shot. I’m sorry that the pictures are a bit blurry. I was using my iPhone (which happens a lot so blurry pictures are frequent). The recipe couldn’t be easier. All you do is simmer the broth and the onions together for 10 minutes. Leaving them in 10 minutes leaves a bit of a crunch to the onions which I like but if you want yours completely done, you may want to leave them a little longer. I added the bread and the cheese to the top and it was a warm, tasty treat.
I have a random tip to share. This may seem obvious but I’ve learned this the hard way. Before you set out to make a recipe, make sure to not only look at the ingredients ahead of time but also the instructions. I have bought ingredients to make recipes before and then when I got home they required a food processor or an emulsifier (neither of which I have). If the recipe requires something funky or something you don’t own, it’s probably for a reason and recipe may not work without it so just make sure to pay heed to the direction.
Well, my brother did it! He’s a high school graduate. We are all so proud of him! I am looking forward to what the future holds for him. Congrats again, David!

That’s all I had! Have a fantastic week and a great memorial day weekend!
Please be thinking about my parents. They are leaving for a vacation this weekend to Denver.
Have fun, y’all!
Bye everyone!
“Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
Part of me believing it was always something that I'd done
But I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know…”
Somebody That I Used To Know-Gotye (It’s just been stuck in my head)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Special Edition
No, it's not Monday and no, this post isn't about food or weight loss. I've been a total disaster thinking about my brother and how grown up he is. Instead of sobbing all day, I wrote him a little letter and I thought I'd post it here. He doesn't read my blog often so he may never see it, and that's fine with me. He knows how much I love him but I wrote it down and thought I'd share.
I’m sorry I complained when you sprayed
copious amounts of projectile vomit into my mouth when you were a baby. Thanks for always falling asleep on my chest
better than anyone else’s. For all the times you came around with a notepad in
your toy gun holster, asking me what I wanted to eat, I would love to go back
and list things to you and your sweet face and cowlicked hair for forever. I apologize for paying you in pennies to run
to the fridge for Dr. Pepper and punishing you with C-SPAN when you got on my
nerves. I sincerely ask for forgiveness
when the following things happened on my watch: you broke your arm, you ate dog
food, I shoved you out of my room during slumber parties, you had your toe
nails painted, you climbed the TV and it fell on you and you had to witness me
massacre a roach with a shovel. Thanks
for always saying I was a better blue’s clues maker than Steve. Also, thank you for caring enough about me to
cry when you found cigarettes in my purse and then threw them away. You taught me how to love someone with my
whole person. You taught me what it
would look like when someone said, “he gets that from me.” You’re funny, caring, smart and the single
most important person in my life. I hope
I have taught you something. Come to
think of it, I should have taught you the word copious because I feel you may
not know that one right off. Part of me
hopes you never read this because I don’t want to embarrass you and plus, I
think my tears over the past few months in preparation for your high school graduation let
you know that I feel like you are my child and I helped raise you. You’re my child, my brother and my best
friend. If it is true and I did help
raise you, you are welcome…because I did a good job.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Hello All! Today has been the day of detox. I am too embarrassed to tell you everything
that I ate last week so I will spare you all of the details but I have paid for
it physically and mentally. I feel like
I will be paying for it for awhile. All
in all though, I think the birthday binge week works. I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone,
especially if you are new to the game or a bit weak because you wouldn’t want
anything to throw you off the wagon completely.
I have done this several times and I’m sort of a pro at “going back” now
so I think I’ll be fine. I won’t be
blemish free this week but I will be mostly good and starting next week, I’ve
got to go back to flawless so when I weigh in June I don’t pass out/cry/burn my
This week, I wanted to share a couple ways to jazz up a
potato. Potatoes are pretty much the
perfect food. Sure, when they’re fried,
they aren’t good for you but when you have them baked, they are filling and
full of fiber. However, the potato by
itself doesn’t have much flavor so I find myself looking for ways to make them
more interesting. I’ve chopped them,
sliced them, baked them and everything else and I wanted to give you a couple
of ways to make your potato more interesting.
The first picture comes from a Pinterest recipe. I am impatient so I didn’t bake this quite long enough. I didn’t believe the time that I was given. All you do is take a potato, cut it into 1/4 to 1/2 inch slices without going all the way to the bottom. In between the slices, include onion, garlic, salt and pepper. The recipe called for butter but instead I took spray butter and olive oil spray and sprayed it in between the slices and all over the potato. Wrap it in foil and bake it at 350 for 90 minutes. Yes, an hour and a half. That’s a long time but it had a lot of flavor. The other potato pic is of a baked potato that I fake baked in the
microwave and it’s topped with reduced fat French Onion Dip. Sometimes,
plain reduced fat sour cream doesn’t really do the trick. If you can find it (and it’s hard to find)
you get two tablespoons for 40 calories or so.
It made the potato quite tasty.
My Dad, brother, his girlfriend and I trucked up to
Nashville on Friday night to see a rock concert. We had fun.
The music was a little much for me at times but I know my Dad had a blast
so I’m glad we went.
Since yesterday was both Mother’s Day and my birthday, my
Dad did the cooking and he made an amazing meal! I ate way too much. He worked hard. The second picture is the dessert that he made
with strawberries to top the whole thing off.
Mom and I also went to a Mother’s Day painting session at a place downtown. I am not an artist but I enjoy going with my
mom and it’s nice to take home something that you made. It was a good day. I also included a picture of me and my Time
Turner (something from Harry Potter) that I got for my birthday (along with other,
slightly less nerdy but no less awesome gifts).
I want to give a birthday shout out to my friend Nichole!
Her birthday is Sunday! Since May is a popular birthday month, I’d also like to
give birthday shout outs to my friend Amanda whose birthday is today, my
grandpa, whose birthday is Thursday and Kaitlin (Jordan’s sister) who is having
a birthday Saturday. Best Wishes y’all. Not only is my Grandpa having a birthday and
David graduating from high school on Thursday but my cousins are also expecting
their second baby on Thursday. Busy
As I’ve mentioned 100 times, David is graduating from Holt
High School this week and I couldn’t be more emotionally out of control. I also couldn’t be more proud of the person
that he is. I’m so excited to see what
the future holds for him! I know I will
have a lot of pictures for the event.
I hope y’all have a fantastic week!
Talk to you soon!
“I hope your dreams take you... to the corners of
your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities,
and to the most special places your heart has ever known.”
- Author Unknown
- Author Unknown
Monday, May 7, 2012
Don't knock 'em til you try 'em!
Happy Monday Afternoon!
I hope you had a nice weekend. I
had a lot of fun over the last few days but I didn’t do much resting so it’s been
a long day. In case you don’t remember,
we are in the middle of no weigh May. It’s
a good thing too because I ate entirely too much food this weekend. Also, this is my birthday week and ever since
I’ve been on Weight Watchers, I try and catch up on the food I don’t normally
eat because I’m dieting and chow down during the week of my birthday. I’m already feeling the effects because I’m
bloated and my stomach is all puffy. I
will have a fair amount of work to do to lose the weight from my birthday binge
but to me it’s worth it. I make myself
all sick on my favorite foods and then I am good for another year.
I think I’ve mentioned before that you should always watch serving sizes at restaurants because the portions are generally far too big. Make sure that you also pay attention to serving sizes at the grocery store too. Sometimes, even food that comes in packaging that looks like it’s single serve has two servings in it. This happens a lot with smaller bags of chips and candy. I find it to be the worst in soups. I picked up the soup that can be heated in the microwave directly in the container…it definitely looks like it’s made for one but it has two servings so just be careful because you may have to double the nutrition facts to be completely accurate.
I started off my weekend heading to Nashville for a ladies night with my roommate and some other girls. We had a great time just hanging out in downtown Nashville. I woke up the next morning and headed to Birmingham to spend the day with Jordan. We ate good food, went and saw a movie and then played Monopoly. It was good to spend time with him. Sunday, I got burnt to a crisp going for a walk outside (put sunscreen on people…even if you are just going for a walk). I don’t know when I went from a kid that could turn into a tan little gingerbread in the summer to a lily white girl with the skin of an infant but I am I will be smarter next time and make sure to lather up. After that, I made dinner for my parents. It was their anniversary meal. I had help from my brother and his girlfriend which is always nice. I made a stupid error when it came to amount of sauce in relation to the amount of pasta so it was not as saucy as I would’ve liked but it was still OK. Plus we had bread with garlic butter all over it. YUM! It was a great weekend and the upcoming one will be awesome too. My Dad, brother, his girlfriend and I are headed to Nashville (I am going to own that place soon) to see a concert on Friday and then Saturday, I am going to a graduation party for my brother and some of his friends and then out for my birthday. Mom and I are splitting the festivities on Sunday because it’s my birthday AND Mother’s Day. So, it’s another exciting weekend!
I want to give a birthday shout out to my friend Nish! Happy birthday, friend! I hope it’s a great one!!! (It’s actually on Friday) May is full of birthdays!
I also want to tell my mom Happy Mother’s Day. Even though I pretend that my mom is trying to steal my thunder because Mother’s day fell on the same day as my birthday, I really think it’s cool. My Dad is making dinner so neither of us have to do anything on Sunday. My mom deserves a day off! Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! Love you!
That’s all I’ve got for now. I’m sure I’ll have pictures for you next Monday! Have a great week!
“Working hard for my dream life to be my real life…” Dream Life-Colbie Caillat
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