The recipe this week was Cheese, Sausage ‘N Portabella Skillet. I got this recipe from the Hungry Girl and it’s meant to be a substitute for the skillet breakfast dishes at places like Steak ‘N Shake and Cracker Barrel. This recipe is made all in one skillet. You sauté up one meatless or turkey sausage patty (crumbled) with onion and then add mushrooms and frozen, shredded hash browns to the mix. Once all of that is browned up a bit, add egg beaters, garlic and 1 wedge of the Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Cheese (or any flavor, I used the garlic herb). Once it’s all cooked, add salt, pepper and a bit of fat free shredded cheddar. It may not look very pretty but this dish was DELICIOUS! Egg Beaters and hash browns (made in the skillet or baked on a cookie sheet with non-stick spray) are things that are good for you but they are bland. Adding that little bit of sausage with mushrooms and onions really took it to another level of flavor making this a filling, yummy dish. I will definitely make it again, especially since it’s so simple and fast!

Dad and I attended the UT/Bama game last Saturday and other than the first half, it was a good ole butt whipping. Bama has the week off this Saturday which works out perfectly because it’s Halloween and the team will have time to prepare for LSU. There is so much hype and excitement surround that game because it’s the best two teams in the nation, battling it out for the West, the number one spot and a much better chance at the national championship. I get nervous just thinking about it. I’ll have more on that next week.

The before and after this week has me at a church fall festival a few years ago. I was a babysitter…get it? I’m pretty sure any baby, child or small animal would have been in danger had that derriere gone to sit on them. Oh well. The after picture is of me and my brother. I went to Holt High School and this spring, while my brother is graduating, I will be watching, crying and remembering my high school graduation from 10 years ago. I can’t believe how fast he’s grown up. It makes me so emotional to see him all grown up and painting himself at football games…lol.
I want to give a real brief rant. This morning, on the Today Show, they did a piece on women who are eating more and trying to gain weight in hopes that they will weigh enough for their insurance company to pay for them to have weight loss surgery. This INFURIATED me! If you exclude the bit of overeating I’ve done the past couple of weeks, I’ve lost 111 pounds. Yes, it’s taken my 2-1/2 years to get there but I’m better for it. I know what to do and what not to do, how to live, how to be healthy and exercise. If you have a mindset that allows you to believe that you should eat more to gain for free surgery, you aren’t ready to lose weight. You have to change your mind set. Here’s a thought. Why don’t you get off your lazy butt and exercise! Grrrr…it just makes me so mad. Weight loss surgery is reserved for morbidly obese people who have tried every option to lose weight and still can’t. I’ve seen plenty of people that could’ve lost weight the healthy way but opted for the surgery. Again, if you don’t have the mind set, all the initial weight you lose from your surgery will come back.
Anyway, now that I’ve gotten that off my chest…I’m headed to Birmingham this weekend for a Halloween party and then to Chattanooga on Sunday to see my family, should be fun!
I will leave you with a few fun Halloween pictures.
Have a wonderful and safe weekend!
Dress up, have fun and don’t take yourself too seriously…at least for one weekend.

“It may be my family's redneck nature
Rubbin' off, bringin' out unlady-like behavior
It sure ain't Christian to judge a stranger
But I don't like her
She may be a stranger who spends all winter
Bringin' the homeless blankets and dinner
A regular Nobel Peace Prize winner
But I really hate her
I'll think of a reason later
Inside her head may lay all the answers
For curin' diseases from baldness to cancer
Salt of the earth and a real good dancer
But I really hate her
I'll think of a reason later.” I’ll Think of a Reason Later-Lee Ann Womack
The one skillet dish looks like just the ticket to regain all that weight.
ReplyDeleteJust sayin,
Ben in Australia
Hi Ben-Thanks for your comment. I pasted the ingredients again below so maybe it won't sound so bad to you. There is no fat in egg beaters or hash browns and only 35 calories in the laughing cow cheese. The only fat comes from the turkey sausage and there isn't much in that. Other than those ingredients, it's veggies and non-stick spray. Maybe it would be best to read the ingredients and not judge a book by it's cover. :)
ReplyDelete"You sauté up one meatless or turkey sausage patty (crumbled) with onion and then add mushrooms and frozen, shredded hash browns to the mix. Once all of that is browned up a bit, add egg beaters, garlic and 1 wedge of the Laughing Cow Light Creamy Swiss Cheese (or any flavor, I used the garlic herb)."