I don’t have much to report other than the weight loss, so I wanted to share three new snacks that I’ve been enjoying…

Sometimes, I get the WORST craving for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I don’t know where it comes from but it’s very overwhelming and I guess I could have one but peanut butter is really high in fat and you have to get out the bread, measure the peanut butter and jelly, you don’t get that much and it’s sort of a hassle. Also, I don't get the cravings all the time so buying a whole jar of peanut butter doesn't make sense for one tiny sandwich. Well, I was walking down the freezer isle and I noticed the Uncrustables. I had never had these before but took a look at the nutrition facts and it wasn’t terrible…they are roughly 200 calories and they are 4 points. I get the kind with whole wheat bread. I LOVE these things…all I have to do is take them out of the freezer, let them thaw awhile and eat them…YUMMY!

I am a Wheat Thin addict. In fact, putting a box of Wheat Thins in front of me is dangerous so I thought I would try these Wheat Thin Stix…you get seven of them for 1 point. It’s a nice little afternoon snack. I have only tried the Honey Wheat but to me they taste just like the cracker. I would definitely recommend them.

Finally, I love chips but the kinds I usually love are too high in fat and calories to eat as a light snack during the day. My mother told me about these Chip’ins and I found them on sale at Wal-Mart and you can have 9 or 10 of them for one point. They are just chips made from popcorn. I’ve had the White Cheddar and Buffalo Hot Wing and both of them are delicious. I especially love the hot wing because it’s spicy and it makes you feel like you are getting more to eat. I bought the Jalapeno Ranch but I haven’t tried it yet.
That’s all I had today…I am going to be good this weekend (except for my allotted cheat times) and work really hard next week…
Keep on pushing!
I wish the Alabama Gymnastics team luck tonight!
Roll Tide!
Bye everyone!
“Jumpstart my kaleidoscope heart, love to watch the colors fade…” Uncharted-Sara Bareilles
Congrats on making it to 85! That's such an amazing accomplishment! I'm proud of you and I think you're doing such a great job. You look fabulous!!!