I have been thinking a lot about the most challenging part of being a food addict that is trying to lose weight…

I think the most challenging part of the whole thing is that I am CONSTANTLY thinking about food. I can’t even burp from the food I have just eaten without thinking about the next meal or snack I’m going to have. It’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s weird because before I started caring about what I ate, it was like I was numb…I just ate without thinking. If I was bored, sad, happy, nervous, excited, content, I would eat so I guess I didn’t really obsess over it as much because I just ate all the time. Now that I have to pay attention, it’s ALL I can think about. I have been to amazing places and had awesome experiences but most things that I do are based on food and when I’m going to eat. It’s not just the typical places either…I mean it’s normal to think about food at work or when I’m writing this blog but seriously…I’m on the Vegas strip or at the top of the Eifel Tower and I’m all, “I wonder when lunch is…I hope everyone else is hungry.” Seriously? I wish I could just get a grip. I think it’s proof that food addiction is a serious problem mostly because you have to eat to survive so knowing that you get to feed your addiction at certain points of the day makes it that much more difficult. The addiction is crippling because it’s all encompassing. I don’t really have any advice or tips about this because all I can see in my head is my future lunch. I am STARVING now, lol.
Oh well, nobody promised that losing weight would be easy. I have a nice weekend planned. Jordan is headed to T-Town and Operation Oscar is in full swing. We are going to be watching two this weekend so I am sure I will have some reports next week. Other than that, I just need to run some errands, maybe clean some stuff and as always, exercise.
I hope you all have wonderful weekends!
Good luck and Roll Tide to the Alabama Gymnastics Team tonight!
“Without hope, life’s not worth living.”
Harvey Milk (snagged from the movie “Milk)
Umm...this morning when I was in the shower I was thinking about what I would have for dinner tonight. *Sigh* lol
ReplyDeleteThat picture and caption is so cute and hilarious!
LOVE the quote today. We need a Jordeather movie day soon...a non-Operation Oscar movie day...you know...in March when this is all over lol.