Well, it’s finally that time...Jordan and I are headed to Savannah this afternoon. We have been talking for a LONG time about going and now we are...I’m pretty excited...I’ve heard it was a town that I would really enjoy. It looks like it has historical vibes and cool places to see and go. If you don’t mind, keep us in your thoughts this weekend and hope that we have a safe trip there and back.
I have done a good job dieting the past few days but I know that will all go out the window this weekend. I am most excited about eating at Lady and Sons...

If you don’t know, that is Paula Deen’s restaurant and I am SO ready to get at that buffet. I am going to try not to make myself sick but I don’t want to worry about the diet this weekend. I have worked really hard and this will be my little break. I will be back on completely starting Monday morning so hopefully it won’t take me too long to work off all of the fried chicken. I think it is important to let yourself have times that you let loose and not let yourself feel guilty about it. The problem with NEVER cheating is that you beat yourself up if you take one extra bite of something and that is probably the number one reason people give up...they think they’ve screwed up forever and just throw it all away. The primary difference between my mindset now and my mindset while I was doing other diets is that I don’t have such a high threshold. I keep my expectations low and I know it’s a long process that will be worth it in the end AND I get to enjoy life a little in between. I don’t always feel like at any moment the dam could break and it will all come crashing down...if I gain a couple pounds, I know why and I know it’s time to step up the game...which will definitely be my plan starting Monday...I will probably go crazy when I get to that 100 pound mark and I’m not letting anything (not even Paula’s home cooking) stop me from experiencing that...so I always have that to look forward to. You may be thinking I’m rambling on and you may not even be concerned that my eating habits are going to be awful for 4 days...I guess I was mostly convincing myself...lol.
The Savannah trip is not the only major event going on this weekend...

Alabama will be playing Arkansas on Saturday and it looks like it is going to be our first major challenge of the season. I am hoping to find some place in Savannah playing the game, but if not, I have enlisted my brother and Cassandra to text me with constant updates. It should be a good game...I just hope it’s not too close. Alabama has seven tough SEC games in a row so we will know really soon if they are as good as they were last year. If you can keep a secret...I think we are better...I hope I am right.
Well, I think Jordan are guaranteed to eat wonderful food and have a really great time. It is also pretty much a guarantee that I will take lots of pictures that I will definitely share when I blog next week.
Dad-Be careful that you don’t get trapped in the pit that is the route to Fayetteville! Bye!
“Georgia, Georgia
The whole day through (the whole day through)
Just an old sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my mind)
I said a Georgia, Georgia
A song of you (a song of you)
Comes as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines
Other arms reach out to me
Other eyes smile tenderly
Still in the peaceful dreams I see
The road leads back to you
I said Georgia, oh Georgia, no peace I find (no peace i find)
Just an old sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my mind ohh)
Other arms reach out to me
Other eyes smile tenderly
Still in peaceful dreams I see
The road leads back to you
Oh Georgia,
No peace, no peace I find
Just an old, sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my mind)
Other arms reach out to me
Other eyes smile tenderly
Still in peaceful dreams I see
The road leads back to you
Oh Georgia, Georgia
No peace, no peace I find
Just an old sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my mind)
I said just an old sweet song
Keeps Georgia on my mind.” Georgia On My Mind-Ray Charles