Yes, I am a couple weeks late to see Sex and the City 2 but I am not a, “go to the opening weekend,” kind of girl...unless it’s Harry Potter...anyway, I’ve heard pretty terrible things about the movie but I don’t really care. I really loved the series and I am especially happy that John Corbett (who I always refer to as Aidan no matter what he’s in) is in the movie...I think he’s precious. I am so glad I still get to see him on TV in United States of Tara. So, it may end up being crappy but I can’t NOT see it.
Ok-today pretty much marks the official halfway point in my quest to walk a million steps in 130 days. I started the last day in March and the goal is to walk 1 Million steps by August 7th so I am halfway there. Technically, for me to have the right amount of steps to be on track for the million, I need to have 500,500 steps. As of this morning, I am at 501,108 steps which is 608 steps ahead of schedule!
I am pretty pleased with those results. I now know what I need to walk every day to accomplish my goal and I pretty much get it done by the end of every night. I am already tossing around new exercise regime ideas for when I’m done because I have this fear that the day after I go the million steps that I’m going to want to sit on the couch all day without moving. I am considering weights and swimming and different activities that I know burn calories but aren’t necessarily counting as steps so I will have to mix it up a little so I’m equaling the amount of exercise but not limiting it to ONLY walking. Anyway, I’m enjoying the process most of the time...but sometimes I would like to go a weekend without having to walk 2 miles in the morning before I can really start my day. Any suggestions are welcome.
As an aside, please keep the Gulf Coast in your thoughts and prayers. The events over the last month are too enraging to put into words and I don’t know how many more images of oily animals I can take. It is a complete catastrophe...I wish there were more ways to help...
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful evening and weekend! I am going out to eat with my parents and then I will probably just go home and chill...there are some things I could be doing around the house.
Talk to you Monday!
"Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City (From The Series Finale)
Great blog today!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I'm really excited about getting to come down and see you too!!!
Also, seeing the picture and reading the quote TOTALLY got me excited about seeing the movie!!! I just read the EW review and it wasn't good. But, low expectations can sometimes make a movie more enjoyable. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's good!
I think you are doing SO well with your walking goal. I know it's hard to walk that much every time for many reasons--time, energy, etc. But, you are doing so awesome! I'm proud of you!!!
I'm glad you mentioned the oil spill too. It is devastating and it makes me so angry to think about it. I also wish there was more that could be done.
Okay...I'll be seeing you in a little over 24 hours!!!