I have eaten SO much today. I won’t even put everything on here in case you are dieting...even if you aren’t...it’s still perverse how much I’ve consumed today. I will brag on one thing...a girl at work...her mother made my cake. It’s a strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting and my OH my is it good. It’s so moist...ugh...it’s almost gone...which is good because I would have taken it home and probably wollered (yes, this should be wallowed, which I just found out today but I like wollered better) around in it tonight.
If there is one positive thing about this birthday week binge that I have and will continue to engage myself in...I feel icky. I’ve had to take two reflux pills and I swear my body feels like lead. Despite the fact that I love all this food, I think I will enjoy normalizing myself again. Maybe I really am changing. It’s weird because I still lust after food...and I probably always will but I think it’s a very good sign that I’m not enjoying myself so much that I want to just give it all up. So, as of Monday, I will be on the wagon and when I start to complain about how hawngry I am and how I never get to eat what I want...I can look back at this. I’m sure that will solve all my problems.
Tonight should be fun. A bunch of us are going to Southland...which I KNOW I’ve mentioned on here before. I think it was when I did my Top 5 Best Ranches Ever List...they have an AMAZING salad bar. Woot! After that, I’m not sure what I’m doing...I may go out for a little while but I have to be at work Friday morning so we will see. Congrats to Cassandra’s roommate Jordan (not my Jordan) because he graduates from nursing school tonight! See-a lot of big stuff going on in May.
I hope you all enjoy your night and I will talk to you tomorrow.
“You know it doesn't make much sense
There ought to be a law against
Anyone who takes offense
At a day in your celebration
Cause we all know in our minds
That there ought to be a time
That we can set aside
To show just how much we love you
And I'm sure you would agree
It couldn't fit more perfectly
Than to have a world party on the day you came to be
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday.” Happy Birthday-Stevie Wonder
Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteWoohoo!!! So glad I got to celebrate with you! Now, it's Birthday Weekend...lol! Love :)