Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone!!!
Don’t you think that there is a sick irony to the fact that I get off work on Monday to honor fallen soldiers while the current living soldiers serving overseas don’t get an off day? They don’t get to celebrate the holidays with their families and while I am thankful to those who have died, I am also going to be thinking of the soldiers that are still alive and their families who will wish they were with them.
We get awfully jaded as a society when things don’t directly affect us...I know I do...so thanks to ALL the soldiers...past AND present!!! Thanks to the many men in my family who served...especially my Dad! I would have thanked the women too but I’m not aware of any women that served in my family...but thanks to the women soldiers too!
Enjoy the weekend everyone and if you are trying to be good...remember...the grill is your friend...corn, squash and especially portabella mushrooms (marinated just like steak) are all delicious. I’m sure I will not be great this weekend but it’s back to business in June.
Also, I would be very surprised if I blogged before Wednesday. I took Tuesday off as well and I am very excited to relax!!!
Be careful!
Peace out!
“If you're reading this
My momma is sitting there
Looks like I only got a one way ticket over here
I sure wish I could give you one more kiss
War was just a game we played when we were kids
Well I'm laying down my gun
I'm hanging up my boots
I'm up here with God
And we're both watching over you
So lay me down
In that open field out on the edge of town
And know my soul
Is where my momma always prayed where it would go.
If you're reading this I'm already home.
If you're reading this
Half way around the world
I won't be there to see the birth of our little girl
I hope she looks like you
I hope she fights like me
Stand up for the innocent and the weak
I'm laying down my gun
Hanging up my boots
Tell dad I don't regret that id follow in his shoes
So lay me down
In that open field out on the edge of town
And know my soul is where my momma always prayed where it would go
If you're reading this, I'm already home
If you're reading this, there is going to come a day
You move on and find someone else and that’s okay
Just remember this
I'm in a better place
Soldiers live in peace and angels sing amazing grace
So lay me down
In that open field out on the edge of town
And know my soul is where my momma prayed where that it would go
If you're reading this
If you're reading this
I'm already home.” If You’re Reading This-Tim McGraw