So-you know how I mentioned the parties we always have for people at work? There is another one on Friday. The guy we are bringing stuff for is anti-vegetable so everyone is chipping in on WINGS. Boo. I did offer to bring a side dish but I decided I might actually bring something healthy that I can eat that he will eat too. He hates all vegetables including things like corn and salsa that most people like...any recipe suggestions? I will probably do something from Weight Watchers and just see if I can deceive people...maybe they will not be able to tell that it’s healthy. We will see...people are pretty perceptive about food around here. I can’t tell you how excited I am to know that all day Friday I will be able to smell hot wings and cake that I can’t eat. It’s gonna be AWESOME.
Today is one of those days where I don’t really have a focus and I’m not going to yammer on forever. I will mention that tonight is Idol night AND Glee is finally back!

I know that there are many naysayers about this show but if you don’t like cheesy musicals then I would say you probably aren’t going to like Glee. I freaking love ALL musicals so I highly enjoy watching Glee so I am super excited that it’s back on. The music is awesome and it’s not one of those shows where it’s all death and’s’m happy it’s coming back on. It should be a good night of TV. I still have a lot to catch up on but I’d rather watch that tonight instead of Parenthood which I love but makes me cry and/or the Brothers and Sisters from Sunday that I heard makes you want to jump from a high building.
I hope you all enjoy whatever you will be watching on TV tonight!
“We're planning on smacking them down like the hand of God.” Artie Abrams-Glee
“Sue, that is an orgy of evidence stacked against you!” Principal Figgins-Glee
“Get ready for the ride of your life Will Schuester. You're about to board the Sue Sylvester Express. Destination horror!” Sue Sylvester-Glee
“I'm so sorry. I fully understand if you want to beat me up. Just avoid my nose.” Rachel Berry-Glee
“I say we lock Rachel up until after sectionals. I volunteer my basement.” Kurt Hummel-Glee
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