Also, I ate like the perfect Weight Watchers princess yesterday and today I plan on doing the same. I think I’m going to fix dinner tonight. By that I mean I will make a lean cuisine and then put it on an actual plate with some veggies or something. I know I want broccoli. Did y’all know that if you sauté or bake broccoli with olive oil (or Olive Oil Pam like I will use) and some onions and’s SOOOO much better than just putting it in the microwave with no Mom bakes her broccoli like that and it is very good so I think I will try it tonight. Olive Oil isn’t TERRIBLE for you but if you don’t want to count any points for oil than I would recommend Olive Oil Pam:

It tastes alright and does the job...I think Pam makes other flavors like butter and canola too but I’m not 100% sure on that. Anyway, I’ll let you know if I make it and how it tasted.
Other than my success in the gym this morning (I hope it continues tomorrow) that’s pretty much all I have going on. I need to do some catching up on TV. My shows that come on HBO & Showtime are now on and me & Cass don’t have those channels so I will have to catch up on them later at my parents so that kind of stresses me out, plus I’m still a week behind on all my primetime shows. Basically, I have my work cut out for me. I’m sure I will work through this very stressful time. Just kidding. Oh and in other news, I am in progress on things in my life. I am gearing up to prepare my manuscript and other poems to send out and I have Nichole looking into this link she was telling me about for opportunities to teach at a community college. I need to get going on my passion which is writing and my forthcoming extra guess it’s time to get busy.
I hope everyone has a great afternoon!!!
“She says you're a masochist for falling for me,
So roll up your sleeves.
And I think that I like her, 'cuz she tells me things I don't want to hear,
Medicinal tongue in my ear.
When will it stop? When will it stop?
When will I feel all soft on the inside?
When will I feel all soft on the inside?
When will I feel soft, soft?
You say that my skin feels like no one else's,
That it's different somehow.
But I don't understand, isn't a hand just a hand?
No you don't understand.
When will it start? My broken part?
When will I feel all soft on the inside?
When will I feel all soft on the inside?
When will I feel soft, soft?
When will I feel all soft on the inside?
When will I feel all soft on the inside?
When will I feel soft, soft?
She says you're a masochist for falling for me.” Masochist-Ingrid Michaelson
Speaking of getting going on your passion of writing, I think this blog is an excellently written one. As I was reading the entire first part of it I got cracked up. I love your writing style!