So-it’s official! I have a MASTERS! Well, I won’t really feel like it’s 100% official until I get that piece of paper in the mail but I graduated and I am all set! I can’t believe it has been two years since I began the program at Spalding. The goal is to now send out my poems for publication. Also, I plan on reading and writing a lot more. I’m pretty excited but I am still not sure what all my future plans will entail. I know that it has been awhile since I blogged and you are all anxious to start hearing me whine about food again...well I will start back regularly tomorrow. I am pretty sure I have gained a couple of pounds but I won’t be positive until I weigh in on Saturday which will be awesome because by then, I will have thrown Thanksgiving into the mix. I have done good today and feel like it won’t take me long to get completely back on track. *FINGERS CROSSED*
Thank you to everyone who provided so much love and support. I really, REALLY can’t say thank you enough to Grandma, Brenda, John, Oma, Mom, Dad, David and Jordan for making the long trip to see me. I had so much fun and I am so glad you could make it!!!
I included a few pictures below from my trip and I will be sure to blog tomorrow!!!
Thanks again!

We couldn't have enjoyed the trip more or be any prouder of you!! Mom!