Instead of providing you paragraph after paragraph of my stream of consciousness, I am going to do us both a favor and change the subject. Today, I wanted to share some foods that I like that are good substitutes for other foods that you love. No substitute is really as good as you would hope but it does help to find some that aren’t just gross misrepresentations. The first thing I want to show you is mayonnaise. I can NOT STAND Miracle Whip. I think it is’s sweet and tastes like it’s gone bad or something. I also happen to think that light and fat free mayonnaise tastes like Miracle Whip. I like to have mayo on my sandwich and the only substitute that I have found that lacks that sweet taste is Hellmann’s Canola Cholesterol Free Mayonnaise. It isn’t the exact same but it’s not sweet and doesn’t ruin the whole taste of your sandwich. I highly recommend it.

The next food I recommend is Green Giant’s line of Just For One products (especially the broccoli and cheese). It’s a great way to eat a veggie and if you use points, it’s zero points so if you are starving and have no points you can eat it as a snack. I think I’ve mentioned this before and made fun of the fact that even my vegetables were reminding me that I’m single but I really do like them.

This next one is probably my favorite. My aunt introduced me to these...they are Arnold’s Sandwich Thins. The wheat ones are only one point and basically, you can eat them with anything but they are an awesome substitute for hamburger buns.

I also suggest that you try different things so you don’t get in a rut. I often find myself eating the same things every day. When I switch it up, it makes me not feel as much like I’m on a diet. You should try red meat and pork substitutes like turkey burgers (although be careful because some of those are as fattening as a beef patty) and chicken sausage (I tried was OK...strange though). I also love Barbecue Baked Lays. The 100 Calorie Packs of Baked Cheetos are awesome...and there is nothing sexier than having someone tell you there is cheese powder stuck in the corner of your mouth. For breakfast, I like a big ol’ apple or some toast and cream cheese. I also like fiber granola bars (get the me they are cheaper and just as good). Anyway, hopefully with this you will try and mix it up a bit.
Remember to cheer for the tide this weekend as we try and take down the rebels. Lastly, again, please remember Angel Burnett and the whole Burnett/Pittman family in your prayers...I appreciate it.
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